Time does not Update to Current in Notes and Journal App
Adnan Hamid
Hi. I noticed in Notes and Journal space. The time does not update to current time and gets stuck in the last time we sent the update. So example if I sent a message/update at 10.32am. When I open the Space at 11 am the time function is still stuck at 10.32. I have to manually update the time and if I don’t the message is deemed to be sent at 10.32 also.
Should be fixed in the upcoming 1.9.3 (on its way to the App Store)
The fix will arrive in the next update, sorry for the delays with this.
in progress
Hi, thanks for bringing this up. This was intentional behavior which was meant to preserve the time of your unfinished thoughts up to an hour (i.e. if you decided to write something at 12pm and then stopped and came back to it, the message could be considered written at 12pm). That being said, I agree this is weird when there is no contents of the message set so I will fix this by making it always change to now if there's no previous text.
Will be fixed in the next update (1.6.5)
Adnan Hamid
This is the screenshot example current time is 12pm the time still stuck at last time of sending message 11.52