After Reset: Saving issue
This is an issue I encounter a lot but unfortunately very hard one to actually fix. The current workaround is to kill the app after which is unideal but works.
The sync update (tetr 2.0) will include a new database & backup mechanism which will likely resolve this and this will have to wait till then.
Do I understand correctly is that what happens is:
- You reset tetr
- You go through all the steps of onboarding
- You i.e. send a message
- You kill the app
- The data from things you have done are in 2, 3 are lost?
tetr Yes, it's as you said. I reset my app a lot lol. So I have grown accustomed to just closing it out before entering any new info.
esrasutton Gotcha, thank you! Out of curiosity, is there a reason you reset the app a lot? Is there something that can be added to accommodate that usecase?
tetr Lolol I'm pretty sure I have OCD or something similar because it gives me a lot of anxiety to not have each space, group, in a similar format. The texting style helps mitigate it, but I still find myself rechecking my content and resetting the app when I get overwhelmed. I'm not sure there is anything you can do to address that. But thank you for caring ♡